Personalization In Retirement Is A Must-Have

Personalization In Retirement Is A Must-Have

Personalization in retirement investing is not just something that would be nice to have but is something that we need to have. We can equate that to buying readers, the reading glasses at the local pharmacy. With readers, you see a bunch of glasses and pick the one...
iGPS Personalizes With Big Data

iGPS Personalizes With Big Data

Currently, a target-date fund, or TDF, is used as the default for a retirement plan. The current target-date fund is very popular because of a few reasons: It is simple to understand. It is low cost. It is de-risked over one’s lifetime.   From that...
Personalization is Precision

Personalization is Precision

At iGPS, we think about personalization in the following way: landing on the moon. To land on the moon, you must be very precise and exact. Even one-one thousandth of a degree off from the beginning of your journey, even though it is so minute, it carries you across...
What Are The Benefits Of A Managed Account?

What Are The Benefits Of A Managed Account?

When considering managed accounts inside a retirement plan, you may want to consider two questions: Why offer a managed account in a retirement plan? Can personalization be available without investing through a managed account? A managed account is a personalized...
What Is A Target Date Fund?

What Is A Target Date Fund?

Target date funds came into existence three years prior to 2006. And what’s so critical about 2006 is that the Pension Protection Act introduced an item called qualified default investment alternative, or QDIA, which basically gave fiduciary relief for employers who...