Glide Path Comparison Demo
Welcome to our “test drive” demo page. The object of this comparative demo is to show where employees would be positioned as compared to a one-size-fits-all TDF glide path. By using recordkeeper data on employees, iGPS individualizes each employee’s portfolio to offer a TDF 2.0 experience.
We have uploaded three actual company employee group census data along with ten popular target date fund series portfolio allocations (as of May 2024). The comparison illustrates the equity glide path of the selected TDF series and the location of each employee’s risk allocation on the same graph.
Let’s get started!
- Please select a sample company (1, 2, or 3) that you would like to illustrate
- Please select 1 of the 15 target date fund glide paths (including the S&P TDF Benchmark Glide Path) or our 5 Static Risk Portfolio comparison
With three employer sample groups and 10 target date fund glidepaths, you have up to 30 possible combinations to illustrate the power of individualization and the disruptive nature of iGPS as a QDIA solution compared to a one-size-fits-all TDF.
Comparison demos and related illustrations are provided for educational and informational purposes only. Any comparison and output should not be deemed as a recommendation to buy or sell any securities or a recommendation for any TDFs. Each plan sponsor company’s circumstances are different with different plan sponsor objectives and participant makeup. Please consult with a fiduciary advisor before making any investment selection or plan design decisions. Request a custom chart.
© Nexus338, LLC.