Our Providers

Nexus338 has carefully selected and is actively working with the best industry partners.

Who is iJoin
iJoin is the technology provider that connects to recordkeeping systems to express the individualized asset allocation methodology. iJoin also instructs the plan custodian to trade investments in order to personalize each participant’s account. On a quarterly basis, iJoin verifies personal data to adjust, if needed, each participant’s investment allocation based on the asset allocation methodology. iJoin provides digital guidance to participants electing to engage with planning for their retirement readiness.


PIMCO is a global leader in active fixed income. With its launch in 1971 in Newport Beach, California, PIMCO introduced investors to a total return approach to fixed income investing. In the 50+ years since, PIMCO has worked relentlessly to help millions of investors pursue their objectives – regardless of shifting market conditions. As active investors, its goal is not just to find opportunities, but to create them. To this end, PIMCO remains firmly committed to the pursuit of its mission: delivering Superior investment returns, solutions and service to their clients.

Who is Nexus338

Philip Chao, founder of Nexus338, is a 25-plus year consultant in the employer-sponsored retirement plan industry. Since the Congress recognized target date funds (TDFs) as QDIAs in 2006, TDFs have become the default investment of choice for defined contribution retirement plans. A TDF asset allocation glide path of reducing investment risks over an employee’s working life to save for retirement makes sense. However, with the advancement of computing and data science, a better solution should be created to individualize portfolios for each worker at no more cost than TDFs.

TDF popularity coincided with the legislative recognition of a lack of sufficient savings for retirement by the average American worker at a time when traditional pension plans were being eliminated. Regulations supported employers to automatically enroll employees into retirement plans and increase their contributions over time. Once contributions are made, they are defaulted into a QDIA investment with safe harbor protection for the employers.

Since the creation of TDFs in the mid-90’s, one thing has not changed. The objective for every target date fund series is to replace a percentage of the annual earned income of an average American worker during retirement. Over time, the industry attempted to improve TDF by offering a number of risk-preference glidepaths (conservative, moderate and aggressive) or customizing the glidepath to employees of a single employer. However, regardless of the efforts and costs, even a custom glidepath is simply narrowing the broad data input used for the average American worker to the broad data input for the average worker of a company. In all cases, workers are still placed on the same glide path without personalization.

After years of effort, Nexus338 created the Individualized Glide Path Solution (iGPS) that overcomes the one-size-fits-all TDF as the better QDIA for all retirement plans. By using individual employee data available on the recordkeeping platform, iGPS creates individualized retirement portfolios based on the age, income, retirement asset size and combined contribution rates of each worker. Instead of trying to treat all American workers as an average worker, iGPS designs an individualized glidepath for each employee.

Nexus338 serves as the participant-level 3(38) and sponsor of iGPS. iJoin is the technology provider to implement personalization. PIMCO provides its proprietary asset allocation algorithm to personalize portfolio as well as the underlying investment building blocks (in CITs). These parties are not affiliated. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell and securities. iGPS is a Registered Trademark of Nexus338 and is not an investment product. Please review current prospectus prior to making any investment decision. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.